Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cork day

ok, july 1st-2nd:

by the way, there is nothing of interest in Cork, I hate to say it, but the walking tour was TEN euro and not worth it at all. I left Chris at the train station, he was going to Dublin to fly home july 2rd. I found the Crawford House and settled in for the night, doing homework for my senior math qualification course. I washed my wee undies so I would not run out and hung them around the room.

Breakfast in the morning was good, I left for the airport in Cork to return my rental and pick up the other one (the one I was paying for). I dropped off the car and went to get my other one. I discovered that they would not take Chris' credit card without him there to authorize it (i had to give him mine so he could return my dumb new labtop that uses Windows 7 starter (royally sucks!)). So, I'm stuck at the airport, with no wheels and nowhere to stay.

I decided to go back to the b and b I was at, after the young woman at the car desk told me that Chris would have to fax an authorization letter to her and sign it. So, when I got to the Crawford House, I asked the owners if I could use their fax maching, explained what I was doing (writing a letter from Chris to National Car Rental) and then faxed off, phoned her to make sure it was acceptable, and went back. I forgot to mention John Lynch the airport shuttle bus driver. He was way cool and is the one who suggested I do this letter myself. As I waited for the shuttle to come back and pick me up at the airport, I sat on the street and busked at the bus(k) stop! (hee hee, a wee joke). although, I dont' think it is busking if you don't have a hat on the street, but i did get some horn honks.

back at the airport, got my car finally, after they informed me I would have to pay another 136 in insurance, and 72 dollars for gas (yeah like it costs that much to fill!) and pay taxes. 260 dollars later, I am frustrated but ready to get the heck out of Cork.

I drove to Dingle. Along the way I stopped on the Connor Pass, which is a treacherously beautiful cliff side road on the way to Dingle. I can't load the pics now but will later when I'm not on an inet cafe computer at 3 euro per half hour.

I met up with a friend of Sam's (my friend from my firs 2008 tour) and she is from Sault Saint Marie! She came here on a vagabond tour with Sam also and sold all her stuff and moved. She is swell! She works at a pub in Dingle.

I met a man named Morris (who said he was out doing his constitution, doesn't that refer to taking a dump?? but he was exercising and stretching, i assume that was his meaning). He told me how he loved Dingle and his home in Ireland. he tried to live in Germany but was becoming depressed so moved back home and has been happy ever since. I think his hair is dyed redish purple, not sure why. We share a love for my favorite spot in Dingle, I took his picture and he thought me daft to take a picture of a total stranger.

got ripped off at the b and b. 35 euro for bed and cold breakfast. it should be "bed and banana"! when I woke up this morning, I did my math experiment with the plastic bottle, that was loads of craic (NOT!!)

oh yeah, if an Irish person says go straight, they usually mean "carry on, on the road you're on even though it bends in crazy ways and takes huge 180 turns, just carry on the road with the right of way" or something to that effect. It has taken me a week to figure that out. Now I don't get lost so much.