Monday, August 10, 2009

Muslims in the elevator

We were in Ottawa two days ago and we pushed the button to get on the elevator. Now because there was one elevator down and the elevators were REALLY slow, we were determined to squeeze into the elevator no matter what. So finally the elevator stopped at our floor and the doors opened. In the elevator were at least ten young muslim women, around 18-22 years of age with their dresses on and their head scarves. It was such a foreign sight (pardon the pun) and all these young ladies were speaking Arabic or something and looked horrified that we had the nerve to get on their elevator. We (Chris and my three sons) walked into the elevator and the second Chris stepped in, all the ladies pressed their bodies on the perimeter of the elevator, but it was so squished that of course they had no where to go. Chris was in the middle and the young ladies beside him were desperately trying to not touch him. The girl beside him was a hair distance away from lightly brushing up on his arm and the girl beside her pulled her away from Chris and held here like that.

Have you ever done that experiment with a bowl of water? The one where you sprinkle pepper on the surface of the water and then rub soap on your finger. Once you touch your finger to the water with the pepper on it, the pepper quickly shoots to the sides of the bowl. Well, if you have never done this, go try it, and you will have a better idea of how these young ladies reacted when Chris and the boys got on the elevator.

So on the ride down to the lobby, we are all crammed in there, the ladies desperately trying NOT to touch Chris or Josh especially since they are man sized and they are talking among themselves and pressing themselves on the elevator walls to avoid touching the 'white devil' in the elevator.

I started to think about what these ladies have been taught, that it is a 'shameful' thing to be near a man, much less accidentally brush up against his arm in a very crowded elevator and I was sad for them, and sad for Chris. Chris seemed to be viewed as this great evil. I think the muslim faith has done these ladies a great dis-service, causing them fear and shame for such a small unavoidable incident. And their religion has left a bad taste in my mouth because of their loathsome behaviours towards Chris and the boys on the elevator. For them to go through life feeling that men are bad and a source of shame is a sad thing.

Ironically, when we got to the lobby, they were all gathered at the mirrors on the wall checking how they looked and seemed quite vain. Grooming themselves to make themselves beautiful and them shaming men if they are looked at. It makes no sense. In this country, this behavior is not acceptable to me. It is shameful in Canada to behave in such a way, to bring these views to our country.

In the tour of the Parliament building, we were near a muslim family, all the daughters (4) covered with head scarves and dressed, and the one boy and father looking quite comfortable. It is such an inequality. The father was kind to me, as was his wife and I offered to take a family picture of them because the mother was taking the picture and I felt badly that she was not in the photo. But still, I wish they were not compelled to cover up so much and fear the 'infidel'. We are all just people, looking for love and acceptance, they are not different, but view themselves as different, or us as different and seem to walk around with this difference at the forefront of their consciousness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We arrived in St. Luc Quebec on Saturday night and had supper with my father. Then we went out to see my brother Alexandre's Crossfit gym. The visit was very fun and the boys really enjoyed finally meeting their uncle and seeing him show us his gym equipment. I didnt realize how weak I am until I tried to climb the rope, very embarassing! FYI, for anyone who does not know, this man is my father, and the really strong guy down below is my brother, the cute blond is his girlfriend and the other lady is my father's wife. The rest of the people are me and my kids and Chris.

I really don't know what was on my shirt, but I don't think I will ever wear it again. It was raining so maybe it was rain. And I think I am throwing out those white yoga pants, oh the horror!! My brother is quite strong and was showing us how he pulls himself up on those rings without going upside down. All the boys tried to climg the rings, as did I but Josh was the only one who could make it up to the top.

We stayed in a nice hotel in St. Jean and then left the next morning for New Brunswick.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Look before you sit!

so, we were driving for freaking ever to get to Montreal. On the way, we made a wee pit stop and all of us piled out of the van and into the washrooms. I found myself a semi clean toilet and settled in for a few minutes. After the business was over, i was horrified to discover that there was no toilet paper. I looked on the floor to my right and there were not feet under the stall wall so I looked to my left an saw the feet of what appeared to be a sixty something female (I can only assume she was a she because I was in the she-bathroom and her nails were painted, but I guess there were no guarantees). I put my hand under the wall and pleaded for some spare paper. "No paper in here" was her curt reply. GAHHH!!! If I only could remember to look before i sit down, but I had to go badly and time was of the utmost importance in the execution of this event. At any rate, I had to somehow get myself off the danged toilet and out of there so I saw on the floor an unused folded piece of toilet paper. I carefully tore off the top part of the paper that was folded and not touching the floor and used that. What?!! I had no choice! don't be grossed out, I had to make do and drip drying would have taken WAY too long. so, I got out, washed my hands very well and went out to tell someone about the sicheeashun (that's Northern Irish for 'situation'). It turned out to be the Nicholby's staffer. I told here that the women's washroom was in need of some toilet paper attention. She looked at me shocked, and said that they were just in there half an hour ago, and she seemed quite irritated with my information. I replied "well, they are out again" with a smile that I felt was friendly and non threatening. She said "well they just filled it all up half an hour ago". She seemed very frustrated that any of us 'patrons' would dare use up the precious paper. I threw up my hands and told her that I was just letting her know the problem, then turned on my heels and left.

The moral: why the heck was she so annoyed with me? There must be at least 50 women per hour using that bathroom, they are going to run out quite alot! Especially at meal time. The real moral is: look before you sit!!