Sunday, August 2, 2009

Look before you sit!

so, we were driving for freaking ever to get to Montreal. On the way, we made a wee pit stop and all of us piled out of the van and into the washrooms. I found myself a semi clean toilet and settled in for a few minutes. After the business was over, i was horrified to discover that there was no toilet paper. I looked on the floor to my right and there were not feet under the stall wall so I looked to my left an saw the feet of what appeared to be a sixty something female (I can only assume she was a she because I was in the she-bathroom and her nails were painted, but I guess there were no guarantees). I put my hand under the wall and pleaded for some spare paper. "No paper in here" was her curt reply. GAHHH!!! If I only could remember to look before i sit down, but I had to go badly and time was of the utmost importance in the execution of this event. At any rate, I had to somehow get myself off the danged toilet and out of there so I saw on the floor an unused folded piece of toilet paper. I carefully tore off the top part of the paper that was folded and not touching the floor and used that. What?!! I had no choice! don't be grossed out, I had to make do and drip drying would have taken WAY too long. so, I got out, washed my hands very well and went out to tell someone about the sicheeashun (that's Northern Irish for 'situation'). It turned out to be the Nicholby's staffer. I told here that the women's washroom was in need of some toilet paper attention. She looked at me shocked, and said that they were just in there half an hour ago, and she seemed quite irritated with my information. I replied "well, they are out again" with a smile that I felt was friendly and non threatening. She said "well they just filled it all up half an hour ago". She seemed very frustrated that any of us 'patrons' would dare use up the precious paper. I threw up my hands and told her that I was just letting her know the problem, then turned on my heels and left.

The moral: why the heck was she so annoyed with me? There must be at least 50 women per hour using that bathroom, they are going to run out quite alot! Especially at meal time. The real moral is: look before you sit!!

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