Sunday, July 26, 2009

nat playing irish song on uke!

I learned this song in Ireland on Inish Bofin. I love it because it has such sweet lyrics.

Here are a few of my paintings, in case you were wondering what kind of things I painted. I love the portrait of the bride. The feet are those of my younges son when he was a month old. the portrait of the boy is my middle son when he was about seven and the picture of the tricycle is my mother and her brother when they were 4 and 6 respectively. The greenery painting is one of my first paintings, it took me forever to do!


  1. These are beautiful Nat! You know I'm biased but I love the one of me. ;) And my other favourite is the one of the kids with the tricycle... And I'm gonna have to say I love the path through the greenery as well.

    And that irish song is delightful! You have a sweet voice!

  2. Thanks Jillian! Yes, I am biased as well, I like the one of you too.
