Saturday, July 11, 2009

On the way again!

Well, Saturday morning (july 4th), the owner of the Castle arranged for me to catch a ride up to Sligo to see my friend Sam and his wife and baby. Jerry, the tour guide was my ride and he was so nice to talk to all the way there, it took 2 hours. We talked all the way to Sligo about all sorts of things and by the end of the trip I was quite attached to Jerry and was sad to say goodbye. I apologized for talking so much and Jerry said it was the fasted rideto Sligo he has ever had. I like him lots and will definately want to see him again next time I am here.

When we arrived in Sligo I called Sam and he gave us more precise directions to get to his house, I said goodbye to Jerry and saw Sam walking down the lane. It was great to see him and finally meet his lovely wife Anna, who I know would be a great friend if we lived closer to eachother. She is smiley and gentle with little baby Cian too which is sweet to watch. The baby is adorable and we had a nice day visiting.

I ended up crashing their friends kids third birthday party that day too, which is totally fun. I tagged along and ended up making the guocamole for the party under the direction of Brian, the dad of the kid whose birthday it was. The people at this party were mighty craic and I had a ball visiting and meeting with new people. Gosh I love meeting people!!

Later that evening, Sam had to take a train back to Dublin so I tagged along because i had to be there the next day as well. We stayed overnight with his brother and sister in law and had an evening of laughing, singing and fun. They were very hospitable to let me stay there, especially since the didn't know I was coming. The next morning, Philip and Ozlem (Philip is Sam's twin broter, Ozlem, Phil's wife) took me out for coffee and then we walked to the Irish Sea beach area and vegged. Ozlem and I walked thruogh the water in our barefeet and picked up shells for Jordan. New friends again for me are these lovely people and hopefully they will come visit me in Canada!

This wood carving man is Sam's uncle by the way and if you are ever in Sligo, you simply MUST visit his store. He makes amazing carvings in an old butcher shop in town and while he works, can tell you all kinds of local tales and folklore, he is a great story teller. His hame is Michael Quirke and even on the plane ride home recently I met a young man from Sligo who knew all about Michael. In this picture, he is making me a small carving of my little dog, which now is one of my favorite things from my trip.

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