Monday, July 6, 2009

Inish Bofin, Inish Turk

So we walked around Inish Bofin on Wednesday. It was up high mountains, sides of cliffs and all the while sidestepping the endless mounds of sheep poop. I have shown you an example of that in the photo above. It is like the edge of the world on the Island, you can see green for miles and the air smells so nice and clean. The remains of old stone walls used for defense are visible in many spots and our fearless guide Jerry from Derry is very knowlegable about the history of these islands.

The meals we ate in the local B&B's were so fresh and tasty, nothing needed salt or pepper because the natrual flavors of fresh fish and meat were enough to make the food savory.

Jerry is not only our guide, he is also our waiter sometimes. His attitude is always positive and I could listen to his history lessons for hours. He made the trip interesting and made the history come to life. We could all tell that he enjoyed his job. The two ladie I am with are Claudia and Phil. They were kindred spirits for sure. The people on the trip were all so nice and interesting, it was a good group.

As I write this, I am quite tired and have been sick for almost a day so excuse my lack of humor or enthusiasm. It is certainly not because I didn't enjoy myself. I will really miss the experience but feel honored that I was able to participate in such an historical and beatiful walk on Inish Bofin.

You see the sheep in the road, this was our traffic jam when I was walking the lost Auzzie sr. back to our bed and breakfast. The sheep clearly were stressed about meeting up with people and they turned on their heels and headed back to where they came from.

Ok, some of the photos are from Inish Turk, also a very beautiful island. They really sound like Newfies there, nice accent! The group shot is our group, there were twenty of us not including jerry, I know I have made some life long friends on this trip for sure.

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