Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shamrocker day three

This morning we took a black cab tour of Belfast and were driven around to many of the murals in the city. My favorite is the bloody hand of Ulster. Story has it that the king said whoever sailed to land firstand touched the soil could mary his daughter and be kind of his land so when the second guy realized he was going to loose, he cut off his hand and threw it onto shore, therefore winning the prize. I think I would rather keep my right hand, but it just shows how passionate these people are about their land.
We went to a memorial and were told about the people who died inside the walls of Belfast (catholic side) and I noticed the caging on the backs of the houses closest to the walls. These cages were just recently installed. The fear is still very real between the catholics and protestants.

We also had a bus load of really hung over young adults (gosh I am old!) and I stood up and turned around to see everyone with eyes closed and many of them snoring loudly.

We drove up to an old cemetary with beautiful celtic crosses as grave markers. I stood and talked to the three older people manning the info desk for about 20 minutes and had a grand time chatting to them. Their passion for what they do is clear. That's what I love about Ireland, it seems the people I encounter are passionate about their heritage and take pride in it.

The bus of younguns finally did liven up and I told them all to look alive for this last shot. They did pretty well considering some of them went to bed at around 6am after having gone to some Irish guys house to play Wii. Oh the follies of youth.

1 comment:

  1. You are truly hilarious! I'm so glad you're having such a great time!
