Friday, July 17, 2009

Day two Shamrocker

After a good nighs sleep in the Independant hostel in Derry, we boarded the bus and went on to Dunluce Castle. This castle was so beautiful it was easy to see the extravagance in the design and how it's previous owners had lived in luxury for their time. Heck, even for our time, such a buiding would be beautiful. I could envision the art up on the walls and the great feasts they would have had in the dining room. The kitchen was neat with it's oven's too. The kitchen was constructed outside the regular house in order to prevent fires.

We set off for the famous giant's causeway. Legend says a giant threw rocks in the water to build a causeway to get to Scotland. Science would have you believe that it occured because of cooling lava. Either way, it was very cool, geometrical shaped colums, kind of like the old video game Q-bert. It was lovely to walk out on the lava rocks and climb over them, certainly a miracle formation and I think should be a wonder of the world. I am amazed that nature can construct such a phenomenon.
Our next stop was the rope bridge used by fishermen to get from the mainland to a small rock island where the fishing is better. The bridge was restricted to hold only nine people for safety reasons and it was quite wobbley too, but I was not worried, everything was too beautiful to worry about the bridge. The beauty here is like a quenching drink for the eyes and dare I say the soul too. Many times, I would stand and close my eyes to smell the air, then open my eyes, to try and imprint the images on my brain forever. I love the rugged, untamed beauty that is Ireland. Something seems wild about the country here.

We made our way to Belfast where we would spend the night at the Independant hostel, a clean reasonable place to stay. But first, look at the Guiness clock and university in Belfast. I took these pictures on our walk to find the cheapest drinks.

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