Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ben and Omar

We went out to the pumphouse last for some live music. It was fun and when we left we met some Irish guys outside, one of whom was totally ploughed. (wasted, buggered, anything-ed), his name was Ben. I had chosen to wear my red t-shirt and jeans. Ben asked me when we got outside, if I was from "America". i awkwardly pointed to my own chest where in big white letters was written the word "CANADA". He figured I was from Canada after that.

He was talking to Chris mainly, he really seemed to like him, and Chris was telling him he met a Leprechaun a mile and a half down the street, and I interjected that his name was Toni. Of course, if I could go back, I would have picked Sheamus or Sean, but it was the first name that came out. Ben laughed hysterically and told Omar (his buddy, not really wasted yet) and they both had a good laugh. Ben told me there's no such thing as a Leprechaun named Toni. I told him it was a half breed Leprechaun who was part Italian, which made him laugh even harder.

We chatted outside for about 15 minutes, all the while Ben appologizing for being "full of shite" and hugging Chris and shaking his hand every 2 minutes. When we finally left, mainly because Ben ran out of his pint of beer and needed more, Ben hugged Chris and told me he was a good guy, then patted Chris' cheek. Well, Ben really liked Chris a lot, much more than he liked me, I feel so rejected.

I think Ben is a Leprechaun actually...........

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