Wednesday, June 22, 2011

june 21/22

Well, i arrived ok. it was a long flight and i didn't make any friends on the plane, i was very introverted actually. but i did like the singing Irishman on the flight over. he was drinkin wine and singin and made me smile loads.

made friends on the train ride over to Tralee, where Martina was going to pick me up. I sat with two men, Tony and Christie and i believe i talked their ears clean off! Well, maybe not Christie, he fell asleep, quite quickly, but I am told by Tony not to take it personally, he falls asleep all the time anywhere, anytime. Akin to a narcoleptic i suppose. They asked me to play my uke for them so i played Orla's song, and two of mine (Someday and My Dear Ireland). the people on the train were clapping and it was good fun. Now i have new friends in Cork and West Cork who I'll definately contact when i come back! Grace was also on the train when i transferred in Mallow and she is 15, seems older and more mature, but very fun and friendly. we chatted and i gave her some maple syrop, as i did for Tony and Christie too. So glad i brought extras!

well, i can't seem to upload the photos i took! very frustrating.

so we went out to supper at "the skippers" last night and it was grand, 15euro for a three course meal and it was a frenchman who owned and served the meals, very cool. after supper we went to the beach and walked along, me and Martina, Aoife, Aiden, Amy and Colm (Aiden's friend). twas fun, and a great way to wear off some of supper. below is everyone running at me on the beach after supper. under that, martina's kids from left to right: Aidan, Aoife, Amy and under that, Me, Martina and Colm, aidans friend

off to bed around midnight then up and after breakfast, we fixed a flat tire on Aoife's car, then went to Blasket Island, just off Slea Head, not far from Dingle. the ride over to the island was bumpy with the waves and swells. we walked around to the beach area, saw a pack of sealsl bobbing up and down in the water and ate a delicious picnic lunch made by Martina. the ride back, both in the dingy and boat were swellier than on the the way out and it was great i didn't even feel the slightest bit sick or anything.

The land is beautiful everywhere i look. Apparently great craic to be had in Dun Quin at Caraughs pub (I think that's how it is spelled) but i think we will be in Dingle tonight.

I still can't believe i am here. martina and her kids are so nice and hospitible and fun.
this photo below is of blasket island

Every time i come here, it is like a dream come true. I feel so lucky to have made such good friends here to visit. it is fresh and the air smells great. the wind blows my skin and I love how it feels as it blows my face and hair. this photo of the seal was taken by Aidan with my camera, i'd say he has a great eye for photography, nice work Aidan!
old ruin on Blasket Island

below is a lovely view from Dun Quin (pronouned Doon Keen)

Have found more people to love.......makes it all worth while.

1 comment:

  1. I love those photos! Especially the ones in the cottage! I sense some new painting inspiration!
