Saturday, June 25, 2011

june 25th

today was fun. it was a soft day, with a bit o sun at the end of it all.

we went in to see the Louisburgh horse show where Delores was making crepes with all sorts of yummy stuff inside them.

the view is amazing off Clew Bay, even in the overcast skies. the water sounds lovely and strong too.

There was a cute little boy with sweets all over his face from eating chocolate and icecream too, he was so cute. i spoke to his mother and told her she should never wash his face, she said somedays, she doesn't. :)

I look around me and still can't believe i am here. i have to pinch myself almost daily to believe it. I love the smell, sounds, music, people i am with. I love seeing old Irish men with their hats and smiling blue eyes. sometimes i just feel so lucky, i have to fight back the misty tears from forming in my eyes. As though i once lived here and left it, when i come back, it feels like home, like i am a whole person. I'm not trying to be dramatic here, just trying to explain what i feel when I am here. not that i don't belong with my family, i wish we could all move here, my whole family, all my friends back in london. I get an overwhelming sense of belonging and completeness here surrounded by mountains and ocean air. Perhaps not everyone would love it as i do, but i find that hard to imagine.

Martina is so wonderful, truly spoiling me. she is like another sister whom i love. I feel so welcome in her family's home too, such inclusion, surely this is what life is about,  making people feel loved and included.

below are some other sights of the show:

see the old gentleman in the photo above, I just wanted to go up and hug him and get my picture with him. He is a picture of an Irishman with his had and face.

tonight I made supper for the family i am staying with. there are two kids and so i made lasagna for everyone, with salad and garlic bread.

Tim led a tutorial type session on fiddle playing that was great, I borrowed his fiddle and joined in and learned two tunes, neither of which i can remember now, will have to get him to play it so i can record it and relearn it.

tonight we are going to the concert in Westport that Tim and his band are playing in. the music should be grand and i guess we are staying out til 2:30 when it ends! I am never out that late, but it is the norm around here it seems, either that or people stay up just for me? i don't know

I love it here.............


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