Tuesday, June 28, 2011

june 26

well, Martina's awesome sister drove me Clifden, which took about 1 hour 15 minutes. if she had not offered her time to me, it would have taken 5 hours cause i would have had to go to galway first.

When Dolores dropped me off at the Topaz gas station, Marie met me there and took me back to get settled into the appartment she is letting temporarily. we went out for a power walk after that and we saw a baby donkey.

here are a few other shots that were pretty.

After the walk, me and Marie and her friend Mary went out for supper at a place called Derryclare andn i ate the salmon, of course. I went on my own to the Abbeyglen after that cause marie was tired. i walked out there, it takes about ten minutes from Marie's appartment and it was dusk-ish so peaeful. i even video-ed the walk leading up the Abbeyglen cause i have been dreaming of that all year and imagining how it would feel to walk back there. it was grand and i couldn't wait to say hi to all the staff that i knew. i saw Kevin first, then Roger and Brian. They all remembered me of course, i seem to have  made a reputation for myself as the broken collarbone journalist.

Into the bar for some craic and then i pulled out my uke and sang "All the Little Details" by Orla Gartland and then "Oh my Dear Ireland" , my original one. They loved both and my head got swelled with ego as they clapped for me. I walked back to the appartment around midnight and Marie was in bed sleeping already.

that is brian hughes at the piano in the Abbeyglen Castle Hotel

below is Roger on the left and Kevin on the right. great chaps in the Abbeyglen!

more adventures to come. I love that each day I am not sure what i will be up to and what beauty i will see. LOVE IRELAND! and of course, I love Canada too. I am still a Canadian and proud of it. xo

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