Monday, June 29, 2009

Abbeyglen Castle

Well, Sunday night I stayed at Delphi Lodge in Delphi of all places. That was good craic cause there were no tvs, electronics, computers, cell phone service, etc. and people are forced off their electonic fixes for their stay. I went on the high ropes and DANG that was scary. I got all that strappy stuff on, helmet and was with a Dublin father and son pair, son was 14 years old, father, who cares how old. Anyway, the small group was good. Our instructor guy was a Scott named Don and he was great teaching us the ropes (tee hee, good joke there). I climbed the ladder a thousand feet tall (0k, maybe only 20 but it seemes REALLY high up there). As I made my way balancing accross the ropes I thought I was going to get stuck and have to call up Don to rescue me but he told me to keep going, so I did. I made it around the obstacles twice, it is set up like a box, each side being a slightly different rope balancing challenge and climbed down. When I got down I was sweating like an Irish pig being chased by something an Irish sheep is afraid of (I'm assuming that would be alot). So the Dad, lets call him Shay cause that's his actual name, was already down there and hearin me complain about meself being so hot (temperature wise, I wasn't braggin or anythin). He said "that's because ya got laarge bottoms" I put my hands on my butt and told him "that wasn't very nice, my bottom wasn't that big!" He laughed and rolled his eyes, by this time he had pegged me a quite a lunatic really and already told me he didn't know how me hoosband could talerate me (see, the Irish comes out in the typin without me even tryin really). He said "no, yer warin large bottoms "(and pointed to my PANTS). Well fer pete sake, whys he sayin my bottoms are large then? Silly man, I tell ye, they speak English here but ye still caan't understand what the feckers are sayin anyway! (sorry, fecker is my favorite word, it is on par with frig, I know mom, not nice, but I couldn't help it, too funny to hear them say it)

Well, I also found out what Bollocks really means, but I learned it very publicly, impolitely and in full Nat fashion. (loud castle noises are downstairs, maybe we're being invaded?) Ellen (the nutty Failte Ireland lady who is quite kindred) and Shay (whose name is Seamus) and Allen(Shay's son) were sitting in the lounge and having a drink (I swear, they Irish are not comfortable unless you have a drink in yer hand) and Shay was saying something nutty and strange (he is a very dedicated Rastafarian without dreads though) and at the end of his speakin, I told him he was full of Bollocks. Well, everyone's mouth dropped and I realized I maybe should have said it in a whisper, especially since we were in the lounge! Turns out that is one of the worst curses in Ireland you can say. Ellen asked me where I heard that word and I told her "Black Adder of course". She said, " well, it's not really a word we use loudly or around other people, usually just under yer breath to a friend or something". So, there is the lesson of the week for you.(I just put my fifth euro in this computer to write this log, expensive when you convert that to dollars)

When we checked out of that place, after I had a great facial, we went to Diamond Hill (NOT a hill by the way, it's a friggin mountain!) We walked up it and I forgot sunscreen. Also toured the Kylemore Abbey, a large house (feckin mansion/castle!!) somewhere between Leenane and Clifden. It was beautiful and I took loads of pictures that I can't upload right now, likely this wekeend for sure cause I am sure the islands, where I am stayin until Friday, have no computers on them.

Arrived at the Abbeglen last night and ended up in the bar, playing my ukulele for the people. I really don't do it well but I sang "eyes of blue" and Tiptoe through the tulips. The owner is wonderful and humble and fun and he plays piano and sings well. He told me he thought I was beautiful and fine looking and I told him I would never leave if he kept saying stuff like that to me. Anyway, he is another kindred spirit cause he is so kind to his guests (he owns this castle) and was giving me and Ellen drinks.

today Ellen leaves me on my own, I will miss her quite alot, but we are off to walk the Fjord then off on the boat to Inish Turk.

I'll be back on here when I can!!

Thanks for readin me stories everyone....................

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hawk Walk

Well oh me feckin goodness! The hawk walk twas bloody fantastic. If ya ever git to walk a hawk i suggest ya doit. The hawks are amazing, not scary either. That was the highlight of my day. Well that and drivin the car of my own personal guide and watching her sweat when I was floatin in the middle of the road. She kept saying "your supposed to stay on the left!" She told me that if I crashed her car her hoosband would kill me certain to death. I told her that would be hard to explain to me husband and Tourism Ireland that she killed the Canadian for crashin her car.

We walked around the town nearby here after supper and I was wearin me denim sleeveless dress and brown strappy platforms and a really dapper black and grey neck scarf, a bit over dressed for the walk but i was too lazy to change. When we passed one of the like 8 pubs in the town with only three streets in it and really drunk young man said "kdwh ehgh ehgis ehshg dh hghe dnahd ta trieee". I stopped and looked at him and told him i had no idea what he said and then turned to my guide Ellen to ask her to interpret only to find that she had left me and kept on walkin down the street. i turned back to the man and he said "dh ehgie dhge don't even hav to triieee" I told him thanks a million (thats what they all say here, they are all so grateful, makes us canadians look cheap with our wee little thanks alot. It's not as much as a million, they're all really thankful for the smallest thing here. The cashier 'thanked me a million' for purchasing a very frustratin pack of sunflower seeds that took me almost ten minutes to open up. I tink she was really thankful because she couldn't figure out how to open it uup and wanted to get rid of it.) Where was i?.......oh yeah, I told the drunk guy thanks a million and waved goodbye and wandered back to my guide and thanked her a million for leaving me standin there with no one to interpret for me.

Then we walked past a cemetary and there were lots of head stones (I know, go figure.....duh!) and it was very picturesque so i told Ellen to stop so i could take a picture. I said in a normal voice that I was glad there were dead people so I could take a picture and then she noticed a man standin near a tomb talking to it and weaping. Well, yes i heard you groan! I know it was bad for me to say that, but I didn't think anyone was there! We left there in a hurry so as not to see the mourning man but he followed us. It seems he didn't hear my unfeeling comment and was making jokes with Ellen. Do i need to say he was drunk? I think that is a given. Ellen is great, very fun and comfortable to be around and I can tell she loves her job, she is very good at it.

We went to the Ashford Dungeon (yes it actually used to be a dungeon) and listened to a lady sing opera like Irish folk songs after which Ellen leaned in to me and said "if i had to listen to this for an hour, I would confess to anything" She'd kill me for writin that down but it made me laugh. However, that lady has apparently been here singin like that forever too. All sorts of stars have slept here, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Pierce Brosnan to name a few.

Ellen ate oysters today, they looked quite disgusting but she really enjoyed them and offered me one. I am sorry to say I was too chicken to try them. I ordered the chicken, very safe.

Well, I must go to bed, I'm so tired, no naps today, but lots of walking again and i need to sleep. Apparently tomorrow I am going roping, whatever that is. I'll let you know what that means once i find out.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Temple Bar

I did go to Temple Bar (the NOT bar, but rather a section of the town that is bustling and booming with noise and parties.) I went to the Quay Pub and heard some great live music and saw a weird street performer, of which i have video. I walked down there from the hotel at around 9:30pm and it took about 20 minutes, still daylight or I would not have walked. The music was awesome, but I didn't go in the bar because it was full. I stood at the door, where the people were practically falling out of because it was so packed. But to my amazement, more people kept going in and they were swallowed by the pub. Watching people enter the bar was like watching clowns get into a VW Bug, people went in and disappeared into a packed bar. From where I stood, on the porch, I could see the singer and hear plenty well so that is where I stayed. It looked like loads of fun for everone. At 11pm, I decided it was time to make my way back to the hotel on public transit. i needed the number 10 bus, but where to catch it? I had to ask three times where the bus stop was in order to finally find it and when I told the bus driver where I needed to go, he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I don't think anyone here can understand my canadian accent because everyone seems to say pardon to me alot. I gave 2 euro to a beggar and paid 1.60p to get home, so still cheaper than a cab for sure.

Note in the pictuers of the previous post, the one that says "look right". Seriously, this is such a good idea because I can never get it straight where the traffic is coming from.

This is a boring blog i know, but nothing too funny has struck me yet.

Dublin City Walkabout

Well, after I woke up from my wee little nappy time (around noon here) I put on my superman shirt and jeans and got my camera ready, a wee spot o money to spend and left the Hotel Mespil (which by the way is a clean three star hotel, nothing fancy, but clean and comfy). I walked to St. Stephen's Green which is a pretty part complete with swans, trees, pavilion and picnickers cause it is sunny and beautiful weather here today. To my surprise there was also a local artist display all along the street and I saw a couple I really wanted to buy but WAY too expensive.

I continued on to Grafton Street which is way cool and filled with buskers of all sorts, young old, weird, normal. I have pictures to upload soon! Last week, Britney Spears spent 120,000 Euro on Grafton Street and I heard from a local that it is one of the most expensive streets in the world. I saw a really cute couple hugging in the park and I went up to them and asked them to hold their position so I could take their photo under the archway, which they did.

The River Liffy should be called the River Stinky cause DANG it smells. But it is neat how the city is split by it. I sat on the bridge and took in the smelly air for about 5 minutes before I was forced to walk, or vomit. I chose to walk. An older gentleman saw me cleaning my lens on the camera and stopped to tell me to make sure I don't take the zoom off and wipe the mirror. THANKS, cuase I was about to do that.

I saw Molly Malone, looking eternally 'perky'. Wow, if I could have her curves. There seems to be a squatter sitting at her feet, compete with empty beer cans and timmy's cups if you can believe it. Oh yeah, and the ripe smell of urine, I almost choked on walking past.

Later, I was stopped by a self professed 'Scandinavian Angel' whose opening line was "hey it is superwoman (my shirt). So we chatted and I asked him who he was. He told me to call him "precious", in my head I was thinking I could call him 'gay' (not that there's anything wrong with that!) He made all sorts of conversation with me, asked me where I am from. When I told him proudly Canadian, he said he took a course on how to be Canadian at the famous Trinity College. This course immersed him (literally) in timmy's coffee, told him the proper usage of the word 'eh', taught them to be annoyed with the french for trying to seperate and taught them how to make fun of American's. I laughed, it was a pretty good course then. After a few more minutes, and I really think he is totally full of s--t, it turns out he was trying to raise money for underprivilged people somewhere on the planet. I made my exit shortly thereafter.

As I was walking back to hotel Mespil, I saw coming towards me a man wearin a superman shirt, same as mine and we both looked at eachother and smiled and pointed.

I now want to find some way to get to Temple Bar, which is not a bar, but a couple blocks of pubs that play live irish music tonight. But I don't want to walk so we'll see what happens! Tonight, i will upload photos cause I can see from here that the other computer has a usb port!


ok, now i feel it. It hit me about 3:30am your time, 8:30 here. I lay on my hotel bed and dozed and when i tried to get up half an hour later I could barely move. My eyes feel dry. I made myself go eat breakfast at the Mespil Hotel, where i will be staying tonight. Tourism Ireland has booked me in for the day and night. I went up and showered and it felt great. Flying always makes me feel like such a scum bag.

The trip went well and I am always amazed that so many people can fly in a plane and not crash. I was seated just by the wing and was halfway between two windows. I took some pictures out the plane window for fun. what I wanted to do was take one of a view of the inside of the plane but was afraid to get weird stares for doing that. I watched a movie and found myself horribly distracted by the balding woman in front of my seat. not that I am trying to be mean, but she was really bald on top of her head and had painted her scalp to try to cover it up. i think if i ever have this problem, i will wear a wig or maybe tattoo my scalp instead. i am quite thankful for my hair now, even if it is going grey because it is way better than not having any hair at all.

I have no media pass at the hotel, there was supposed to be one for me to tour Dublin for the day.

ok, I am tired and need another short nap if I'm to make it through the day. What shall i do tonight? I think I will go look for some live irish music in a pub or something, a little fiddle and accordian goes a long way!! i LOVE the accent, my thoughts are starting to come to me in an awesome Irish brogue and I find I am whispering my words so in Irish.

I have spent 12 euro so far, 8 for the aircoach, 3 for a pay phone to the hotel here, and one to check my email at the airport in hopes of finding out if someone was going to pick me up, no one did and i went around to all the other people waiting to pick people up and asked them if they were here to pick up a Canadian, they all said no, hence the aircoach.

It stormed in Hamilon when I left and I was nice and damp for my trip here. By the time I arrived in Dublin, my shoes had finally dried off.

ok, off to bed for a wee little nappy........


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Well, I have arrived here and am tired and look pretty crappy. I will write tonight and tell all so far, not that there is yet so much to tell except for the interesting people on the plane. Later!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Wow! I'm a somebody with followers! I can't believe me eyes, thanks people for honoring me with your tiime for readin my silly little adventure notes. I can't wait to get going so I can write me little heart out. I'm almost done packing, I can only take 20kg maximum (I'm hopin that theyre not going to weigh me!!) and it has to fit in the over head bin but I have to take my fun shoes and they're totally useless but look so snazzy! Here is my current itinerary:

June 26th: arrive in Dublin at 4am and find me a nice hard spot on the cold stone floor to sleep until the floor cleaner likely runs me over. Then I must wake up and find some food to eat so I don't faint (I am very sensitive to food, don't you know?!) I'm takin my red Ukelele so if a song strikes me, I might sit outside and play for people until they throw whatever they got in their hands at me beggin me to stop. I have a day in Dublin to kill, whatever shall I do?? then find a place to sleep in Dublin, it should be arranged but I don't have my official itineray yet!

June 27th, Ellen is picking me up to drive me across to the west side, near Galway, where I'm sure to find some music and stuff. I'm supposed to sleep at the G-Hotel. (is that a short form, or what?! I don't yet know). They call this a "quirky boutique hotel" which worries me a little bit. Quirky can be different for everyone. Does it mean really weird and their just puttin a nicer spin on it?

June 28th, I'm supposed to go to somewhere near Clifden in Connemara area and sleep in the Delphi Lodge Connemara (I think!) from the picture on the web site, it looks very beautiful!

June 29th, start my Connemara Safari from this day until July 3rd

July 3rd, hire a car (they don't say rent a car over there) and drive to Westport where I will 'surf a couch' of a complete stranger. I can't wait, they say their house is inhabited by the spirits of past owners, should be fun! I will stay with them July 4th night as well.

July 5th, drive my hired car back to Dublin and kill more time, just me and my red ukelele. Sleep in Dublin somewhere. It is my pick so i'll find something that looks quirky then!

July 6th, start my Shamrocker tour of the North. I am told they need some great bar party pictures for their website so my goal is to get 'em drunk and take "edgy" pictures of the other guests. This should be fun also! I will be on this tour until July 8th, after which I will arrive back in Dublin.

July 8th, sleep in Dublin and wake up rested and ready to board my plane back to Canada on July 9th.

I'll be posting again on June 26th if I can find an i-net cafe, which should not be hard, so stay tuned my friends.

Fiddle Dee Dee!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

almost gone!

Well, I'm headin out in a couple o days for the great land o green (that Ireland in case you're wondering)! If you're wantin to read my thoughts on the trip, here is where it will be, just so you know and thanks for bein interested anyhow! (can ya hear me irish brogue trough all this typin?) I'm not actually sure if I can upload photos while I'm over there cause I'll be usin someone elses computers all the time but I'll try. Pictures are nice to accompany bloggs. Ok then, I'll talk to y'all when I get there! Tootles.........