Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hawk Walk

Well oh me feckin goodness! The hawk walk twas bloody fantastic. If ya ever git to walk a hawk i suggest ya doit. The hawks are amazing, not scary either. That was the highlight of my day. Well that and drivin the car of my own personal guide and watching her sweat when I was floatin in the middle of the road. She kept saying "your supposed to stay on the left!" She told me that if I crashed her car her hoosband would kill me certain to death. I told her that would be hard to explain to me husband and Tourism Ireland that she killed the Canadian for crashin her car.

We walked around the town nearby here after supper and I was wearin me denim sleeveless dress and brown strappy platforms and a really dapper black and grey neck scarf, a bit over dressed for the walk but i was too lazy to change. When we passed one of the like 8 pubs in the town with only three streets in it and really drunk young man said "kdwh ehgh ehgis ehshg dh hghe dnahd ta trieee". I stopped and looked at him and told him i had no idea what he said and then turned to my guide Ellen to ask her to interpret only to find that she had left me and kept on walkin down the street. i turned back to the man and he said "dh ehgie dhge don't even hav to triieee" I told him thanks a million (thats what they all say here, they are all so grateful, makes us canadians look cheap with our wee little thanks alot. It's not as much as a million, they're all really thankful for the smallest thing here. The cashier 'thanked me a million' for purchasing a very frustratin pack of sunflower seeds that took me almost ten minutes to open up. I tink she was really thankful because she couldn't figure out how to open it uup and wanted to get rid of it.) Where was i?.......oh yeah, I told the drunk guy thanks a million and waved goodbye and wandered back to my guide and thanked her a million for leaving me standin there with no one to interpret for me.

Then we walked past a cemetary and there were lots of head stones (I know, go figure.....duh!) and it was very picturesque so i told Ellen to stop so i could take a picture. I said in a normal voice that I was glad there were dead people so I could take a picture and then she noticed a man standin near a tomb talking to it and weaping. Well, yes i heard you groan! I know it was bad for me to say that, but I didn't think anyone was there! We left there in a hurry so as not to see the mourning man but he followed us. It seems he didn't hear my unfeeling comment and was making jokes with Ellen. Do i need to say he was drunk? I think that is a given. Ellen is great, very fun and comfortable to be around and I can tell she loves her job, she is very good at it.

We went to the Ashford Dungeon (yes it actually used to be a dungeon) and listened to a lady sing opera like Irish folk songs after which Ellen leaned in to me and said "if i had to listen to this for an hour, I would confess to anything" She'd kill me for writin that down but it made me laugh. However, that lady has apparently been here singin like that forever too. All sorts of stars have slept here, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Pierce Brosnan to name a few.

Ellen ate oysters today, they looked quite disgusting but she really enjoyed them and offered me one. I am sorry to say I was too chicken to try them. I ordered the chicken, very safe.

Well, I must go to bed, I'm so tired, no naps today, but lots of walking again and i need to sleep. Apparently tomorrow I am going roping, whatever that is. I'll let you know what that means once i find out.



  1. WOW, awesome pics!!!! the castle looks amazing! brave girl with the hawk on her wrist. oh yeah!

    Can't wait to see more pics. You must have found the comp with the USB port. "thanks a million" from all of us.

    What no oysters? really...they are not that bad. I dare you to try something new this trip (food wise!) Did the chicken taste Irish? get a good receipe and let's replicate it!

    I love it that you talk Irish in yer head. that's funny! We should go out here in London and totally rip it up with accents while we shop. Just to see if anyone asks us where we are from and because we can be crazy enough to do it and because the biggest whoot would be to not laugh the entire time, which would only probably make people think that we are the happiest Irish gals in the entire city anyway. Don't you love my run on sentences? I might make that my blog create the biggest nonsensical run on sentances ever without puncuation ha.

    Anywho...have a blast "roping". I hear it's where they tie you up and give you fifty lashes with a pointer. A very popular Irish flogging practice. That and they have crazy drunk Irish men whispering Irish lullabies in yer ears. Sort of sounds like: (place hands by mouth in a feathery fashion) and purge out "blalblablblabllablblbllblalabahhhhh) Nat style.

    sleep well, my raven haired, beautiful friend. ciao! m

  2. Lovin' the brogue, girlie, and the pictures. Thanks a million!
