Friday, June 26, 2009


ok, now i feel it. It hit me about 3:30am your time, 8:30 here. I lay on my hotel bed and dozed and when i tried to get up half an hour later I could barely move. My eyes feel dry. I made myself go eat breakfast at the Mespil Hotel, where i will be staying tonight. Tourism Ireland has booked me in for the day and night. I went up and showered and it felt great. Flying always makes me feel like such a scum bag.

The trip went well and I am always amazed that so many people can fly in a plane and not crash. I was seated just by the wing and was halfway between two windows. I took some pictures out the plane window for fun. what I wanted to do was take one of a view of the inside of the plane but was afraid to get weird stares for doing that. I watched a movie and found myself horribly distracted by the balding woman in front of my seat. not that I am trying to be mean, but she was really bald on top of her head and had painted her scalp to try to cover it up. i think if i ever have this problem, i will wear a wig or maybe tattoo my scalp instead. i am quite thankful for my hair now, even if it is going grey because it is way better than not having any hair at all.

I have no media pass at the hotel, there was supposed to be one for me to tour Dublin for the day.

ok, I am tired and need another short nap if I'm to make it through the day. What shall i do tonight? I think I will go look for some live irish music in a pub or something, a little fiddle and accordian goes a long way!! i LOVE the accent, my thoughts are starting to come to me in an awesome Irish brogue and I find I am whispering my words so in Irish.

I have spent 12 euro so far, 8 for the aircoach, 3 for a pay phone to the hotel here, and one to check my email at the airport in hopes of finding out if someone was going to pick me up, no one did and i went around to all the other people waiting to pick people up and asked them if they were here to pick up a Canadian, they all said no, hence the aircoach.

It stormed in Hamilon when I left and I was nice and damp for my trip here. By the time I arrived in Dublin, my shoes had finally dried off.

ok, off to bed for a wee little nappy........



  1. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself! Wish i had the courage to do something like this myself! Looking forward to reading more :)
    Judy > love ya Nat

  2. wooop woop! you arrived! sounds like a dandy day. wet shoes, totally exhausted, feelin' like scum and dry eyes. Not the "bestest" start to your adventure ...however it's only up from here! miss ya lots girly. m
