Monday, June 22, 2009

almost gone!

Well, I'm headin out in a couple o days for the great land o green (that Ireland in case you're wondering)! If you're wantin to read my thoughts on the trip, here is where it will be, just so you know and thanks for bein interested anyhow! (can ya hear me irish brogue trough all this typin?) I'm not actually sure if I can upload photos while I'm over there cause I'll be usin someone elses computers all the time but I'll try. Pictures are nice to accompany bloggs. Ok then, I'll talk to y'all when I get there! Tootles.........

1 comment:

  1. You lucky duckling! Leaving us all behind for greener pastures (literally!) I'll be waitin' for yer updates. Have a wonderful time couch surfin', tourin' eatin' laughin' and havin' the bestest time ever. Love U. m
