Friday, June 26, 2009

Dublin City Walkabout

Well, after I woke up from my wee little nappy time (around noon here) I put on my superman shirt and jeans and got my camera ready, a wee spot o money to spend and left the Hotel Mespil (which by the way is a clean three star hotel, nothing fancy, but clean and comfy). I walked to St. Stephen's Green which is a pretty part complete with swans, trees, pavilion and picnickers cause it is sunny and beautiful weather here today. To my surprise there was also a local artist display all along the street and I saw a couple I really wanted to buy but WAY too expensive.

I continued on to Grafton Street which is way cool and filled with buskers of all sorts, young old, weird, normal. I have pictures to upload soon! Last week, Britney Spears spent 120,000 Euro on Grafton Street and I heard from a local that it is one of the most expensive streets in the world. I saw a really cute couple hugging in the park and I went up to them and asked them to hold their position so I could take their photo under the archway, which they did.

The River Liffy should be called the River Stinky cause DANG it smells. But it is neat how the city is split by it. I sat on the bridge and took in the smelly air for about 5 minutes before I was forced to walk, or vomit. I chose to walk. An older gentleman saw me cleaning my lens on the camera and stopped to tell me to make sure I don't take the zoom off and wipe the mirror. THANKS, cuase I was about to do that.

I saw Molly Malone, looking eternally 'perky'. Wow, if I could have her curves. There seems to be a squatter sitting at her feet, compete with empty beer cans and timmy's cups if you can believe it. Oh yeah, and the ripe smell of urine, I almost choked on walking past.

Later, I was stopped by a self professed 'Scandinavian Angel' whose opening line was "hey it is superwoman (my shirt). So we chatted and I asked him who he was. He told me to call him "precious", in my head I was thinking I could call him 'gay' (not that there's anything wrong with that!) He made all sorts of conversation with me, asked me where I am from. When I told him proudly Canadian, he said he took a course on how to be Canadian at the famous Trinity College. This course immersed him (literally) in timmy's coffee, told him the proper usage of the word 'eh', taught them to be annoyed with the french for trying to seperate and taught them how to make fun of American's. I laughed, it was a pretty good course then. After a few more minutes, and I really think he is totally full of s--t, it turns out he was trying to raise money for underprivilged people somewhere on the planet. I made my exit shortly thereafter.

As I was walking back to hotel Mespil, I saw coming towards me a man wearin a superman shirt, same as mine and we both looked at eachother and smiled and pointed.

I now want to find some way to get to Temple Bar, which is not a bar, but a couple blocks of pubs that play live irish music tonight. But I don't want to walk so we'll see what happens! Tonight, i will upload photos cause I can see from here that the other computer has a usb port!

1 comment:

  1. All of this is really cool, but I love that you saw a person wearing the same shirt as you!
