Monday, June 29, 2009

Abbeyglen Castle

Well, Sunday night I stayed at Delphi Lodge in Delphi of all places. That was good craic cause there were no tvs, electronics, computers, cell phone service, etc. and people are forced off their electonic fixes for their stay. I went on the high ropes and DANG that was scary. I got all that strappy stuff on, helmet and was with a Dublin father and son pair, son was 14 years old, father, who cares how old. Anyway, the small group was good. Our instructor guy was a Scott named Don and he was great teaching us the ropes (tee hee, good joke there). I climbed the ladder a thousand feet tall (0k, maybe only 20 but it seemes REALLY high up there). As I made my way balancing accross the ropes I thought I was going to get stuck and have to call up Don to rescue me but he told me to keep going, so I did. I made it around the obstacles twice, it is set up like a box, each side being a slightly different rope balancing challenge and climbed down. When I got down I was sweating like an Irish pig being chased by something an Irish sheep is afraid of (I'm assuming that would be alot). So the Dad, lets call him Shay cause that's his actual name, was already down there and hearin me complain about meself being so hot (temperature wise, I wasn't braggin or anythin). He said "that's because ya got laarge bottoms" I put my hands on my butt and told him "that wasn't very nice, my bottom wasn't that big!" He laughed and rolled his eyes, by this time he had pegged me a quite a lunatic really and already told me he didn't know how me hoosband could talerate me (see, the Irish comes out in the typin without me even tryin really). He said "no, yer warin large bottoms "(and pointed to my PANTS). Well fer pete sake, whys he sayin my bottoms are large then? Silly man, I tell ye, they speak English here but ye still caan't understand what the feckers are sayin anyway! (sorry, fecker is my favorite word, it is on par with frig, I know mom, not nice, but I couldn't help it, too funny to hear them say it)

Well, I also found out what Bollocks really means, but I learned it very publicly, impolitely and in full Nat fashion. (loud castle noises are downstairs, maybe we're being invaded?) Ellen (the nutty Failte Ireland lady who is quite kindred) and Shay (whose name is Seamus) and Allen(Shay's son) were sitting in the lounge and having a drink (I swear, they Irish are not comfortable unless you have a drink in yer hand) and Shay was saying something nutty and strange (he is a very dedicated Rastafarian without dreads though) and at the end of his speakin, I told him he was full of Bollocks. Well, everyone's mouth dropped and I realized I maybe should have said it in a whisper, especially since we were in the lounge! Turns out that is one of the worst curses in Ireland you can say. Ellen asked me where I heard that word and I told her "Black Adder of course". She said, " well, it's not really a word we use loudly or around other people, usually just under yer breath to a friend or something". So, there is the lesson of the week for you.(I just put my fifth euro in this computer to write this log, expensive when you convert that to dollars)

When we checked out of that place, after I had a great facial, we went to Diamond Hill (NOT a hill by the way, it's a friggin mountain!) We walked up it and I forgot sunscreen. Also toured the Kylemore Abbey, a large house (feckin mansion/castle!!) somewhere between Leenane and Clifden. It was beautiful and I took loads of pictures that I can't upload right now, likely this wekeend for sure cause I am sure the islands, where I am stayin until Friday, have no computers on them.

Arrived at the Abbeglen last night and ended up in the bar, playing my ukulele for the people. I really don't do it well but I sang "eyes of blue" and Tiptoe through the tulips. The owner is wonderful and humble and fun and he plays piano and sings well. He told me he thought I was beautiful and fine looking and I told him I would never leave if he kept saying stuff like that to me. Anyway, he is another kindred spirit cause he is so kind to his guests (he owns this castle) and was giving me and Ellen drinks.

today Ellen leaves me on my own, I will miss her quite alot, but we are off to walk the Fjord then off on the boat to Inish Turk.

I'll be back on here when I can!!

Thanks for readin me stories everyone....................


  1. Great fun, Nat. I look forward to yer next tale o' the Green Isle.

    Linda Lustins
