Friday, June 26, 2009

Temple Bar

I did go to Temple Bar (the NOT bar, but rather a section of the town that is bustling and booming with noise and parties.) I went to the Quay Pub and heard some great live music and saw a weird street performer, of which i have video. I walked down there from the hotel at around 9:30pm and it took about 20 minutes, still daylight or I would not have walked. The music was awesome, but I didn't go in the bar because it was full. I stood at the door, where the people were practically falling out of because it was so packed. But to my amazement, more people kept going in and they were swallowed by the pub. Watching people enter the bar was like watching clowns get into a VW Bug, people went in and disappeared into a packed bar. From where I stood, on the porch, I could see the singer and hear plenty well so that is where I stayed. It looked like loads of fun for everone. At 11pm, I decided it was time to make my way back to the hotel on public transit. i needed the number 10 bus, but where to catch it? I had to ask three times where the bus stop was in order to finally find it and when I told the bus driver where I needed to go, he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I don't think anyone here can understand my canadian accent because everyone seems to say pardon to me alot. I gave 2 euro to a beggar and paid 1.60p to get home, so still cheaper than a cab for sure.

Note in the pictuers of the previous post, the one that says "look right". Seriously, this is such a good idea because I can never get it straight where the traffic is coming from.

This is a boring blog i know, but nothing too funny has struck me yet.

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