Wednesday, July 6, 2011

july 2, helicopter ride and a day on Inis turbot

so, only four hours of sleep the night before then i was up early to get over for my helpcopter ride. it was great, I got some really nice arial photos of Clifden. aside from my sick feeling stomach with some of the landing maneuvering, it was really nice.

this is an arial shot of Clifden

the Abbeyglen Castle Hotel

On the way to Inish Turbot, we saw a cow being pulled and swimming in the ocean, being taken off the island to the mainland at low tide. The cow did not seem to like this at all but it is lucky i was there to see such a unique thing.

and another bull!

the cemetary on the island where i went to the funeral last summer. I paid my respects to Paddy O'Toole

little Dermott Hughes playing in the "rock pool", looking for crabs and shrimp and whatever else. I found him an orange dead starfish.

It was a lovely sunny day on the island, I helped paint the BBQ building near the water white. it felt good to be useful anyway and i enjoyed the serenity as i painted in the sun. Beautiful memories from today, I'll take with me and think about when I am sitting inside on a cold winter day.

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