Wednesday, July 6, 2011

july 4 hiking around Renvyle and Tally Cross Point

july 3rd i didn't do much photo wise. I drove to Kylemore Abbey gift shop, it was rainy that day and Marie drove around with me. We also went to Leenane but found nothing to buy for my little jordan!

In the evening I went up to the Abbeyglen to meet up with my friend Ana from Spain who flew in just to see me here in Clifden. I was so happy to see her, we had supper at the Abbeyglen and then went out to Conneely's pub for some spectacular fiddle and guitar sessions.

July 4th, Ana and i decided to go out and see some stuff. it was windy and cold but we drove to Renvyle/Tally Cross area and walked out to the sea (while dodging the sheep poop which is everywhere, its kind of like a video game doding poop, I am really good now, maybe a level 4 even! :)

I picked up some homemade sandwiches for lunch and once we walked out, we ate our picnic where it seems no one would have picnic-ed before. Below, is Ana.

at the end of where the sheep are is where we ate our lunch

I love the abundance of ship wrecks on the land over here. Every time I look at them I imagine the life the boats had and what they were used for, at one time being a crucial part of some persons livelihood.

This photo below was taken at Ballyconneely beach, that is not sand it is entirely made up of little crushed coral from the nearby reef. Amazing, i am bringing some home, which at the time was stored in my shoe. I will likely paint this one, i love the little girls hair and hood.

My friend Ana left July 5th in the morning to go to Sligo, and then on the 6th to head home to Pamplona for the running of the bulls. one day, I shall visit her in Spain.

the fairytale is almost over for another year. I have loved every moment so far, and yes, I know it is not real life, but i can enjoy it for what it is. Truly i have a connection to this land, the music and it's people. Now to try to bring some of it home with me!

1 comment:

  1. Mom you should already be al level 100 from all the poop dodging in our backyard;)Jordan still hasn't picked any of jake's feces... LOVE YOU<3
