Sunday, July 3, 2011

june 30, july 1 - Inagh valley

I came home from camping around 6pm and decided to set out to find GerryMcCloskey after my walk with Marie. I believe Michelle's mother Norma showed me up to his house. I knocked on the door and he answered wearing a nice soft light brown tweed jacket. it was so great to see him again. I sat down, gave him a large jar of maple butter and we chatted a bit.

Afterwards I went down to the Abbeyglen and saw Freda. she asked me if i had my uke and i did so she said i needed to get in there and play some tunes because there was some drunk on the piano doodling around and Mary the piano player stopped playing becasue he was bothering her. I went up and played four songs, the room was dead and i don't think they went over well. mary came back and i gladly stopped playing. i stayed in the pub a bit longer, avoiding the annoying drunk fella who had asked me to outsidse with him, and when i went home, I snuck out behind the hotel so he wouldn't see me.

My good friend Freda offered to take me on a little tour of her own, on some back roads in pretty country where she grew up. It was so nice of her on her day off.

we drove through the Inagh valley slowly and i took some photos:

The photo below is of a statue of The Virgin Mary's. Apparently she moves. I am thinking she might that after about three drinks in ya, but otherwise no stinkin way.

I "grazed" at the Abbeyglen tonight, invited by the hotel people to dine with some of the sort of visiting working staff. like the helicopter pilot and the electrician installing the boiler. James the electrician, Pissed off Pete the Pilot (triple P) and Paul the ground crew dude. So, I was eating with Peter, Paul and  James, all names of deciples. just needed a matthew, judas and a bunch other ones to make it complete. I asked why pissed off pete was called that and brian told me he didn't know so ask him. so at supper, i asked PPP why he is called pissed off pete and he said he didn't know and who called hiim that. it was then that i clued in that maybe i should not have asked that question. whoops. Paul the ground crew said to james that the only reason i got away with asking that question is because, in his words not mine, i was a pretty.

At the Abbeyglen again tonight, (surprise!) and a hen party came in, bride to be and both mother and mother in law, and friends. They were grand and stayed til close. They all wanted to stay longer but Roger needed to close up, so i started gathering empty glasses and one table of fellas asked me if i take laser. huh? i said i didn't know what laser was and he looked at me in an annoyed way. i explained i am from canada and don't work here i was just helping out Roger. he said, "don't you have credit cards in canada?" and i said we do but they aren't called laser. Anyhoo, they asked me get them some water from behind the bar because Roger was trying to call a cab for the bridal party peeps. so i went behind and started making up a bunch of ice waters. One thing to note, is the Connemara water is kind of not clear, more like weak apple juice or something like that. when you fill a bathtub the water looks like that. ..........anyway, as it turns out, there were no cabs to be had at 2am saturday night. so i had to tell the people they had to walk back to their hotel. I walked Marie home too, that was loads of craic too.

above, the bride to be and her pal. i offered to take their photo and someone asked if i was trying to sell the photos! i said no, i was just trying to be nice and gave them my email if they want a copy of the photo they can email me.

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