Sunday, July 10, 2011

July 7/8 sleeping out in the cottage on Inis Turbot

I begged practically, to sleep out in the cottage on Inish Turbot. Terrible thing to beg but i did it. I was not to sleep out there alone so Marie came with me. We bought some groceries and I planned out what I would cook for us. Nothing but gourmet for Marie, she has been so good to me here. I have been at her place for two weeks in a row, she just gave me a key and I came and went as the wind blew. Thank you Marie, can't wait to see you again next year in your new apartment. Marie calls me daughter, I call her mother. She is very special to me.

Anyhoo, I shall carry on with my night at the "Ritz Turbot." We took a motor boat ride out, it was raining like crazy and we got quite wet. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the pier to the cottage, we of course carry everything. There are no cars on this island, just cows and cottages, beaches and a grave yard. Oh yeah, and Corn Crake (spelling?) birds that come here to mate and then go to Africa. Apparently no one every sees them, but they make loads of noise.

After our divine supper of Cilantro garlic chicken with baked sweet potato and quinoa, the rain stopped and out came this spectacular rainbow. my first Irish rainbow. It was a beautiful sunset that night. Marie and i sat inside by the turf fire, silently, chatting, then I strummed my uke for a while. It was very peaceful and serene, very enjoyable. I loved the fire, here is a shot of that.

this is my specialty breakfast of mushroom and onion omelet and pan fried smoked salmon with sliced fresh plum tomatoes

 Marie was reading a book about the history of Connemara

the cute little turf fire stove.

When Brian Hughes came to pick us up the next day, he had with him his son Dermott and the little cousin Tommy. These boys love to hunt down crabs in the rocks and spend hours out there. Here is their proud catch of the day.

I loved the rugged beauty of Inish Turbot, it was magical to wake up there and have the view out the window at my feet. A special place indeed.

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