Saturday, July 2, 2011

June 29 Sline Head camping with the Bull

This is the beginning of my camping trip to Sline Head. I am in the back of a VW. I was playing my ukulele and i felt like a total hippie, it was cool.

Truly, we were driving out to an even outer back than i thought was out there. Someone had private property, someone knew that someone and asked if we all could camp there and so we did! After we arrived, it looked a bit like it could rain so we put up our tents right away. The weather was beautiful and soon the chef was deciding where to set up the kitchen.

Views were beautiful and and the weather was grand as they say.

I love the above photo of Roshine, she is the daughter of Margaret, one of the lovely people who invited me to go camping. She is wearing a home made little daisy crown she made in the garden. Roshine can really sing well and play guitar, watch out for her, she will be a great musician someday soon!

Now, shortly after we set up our camp, we were just sitting around and noticed a herd of cows moving towards are line of tents, then after a few minutes, noticed there was a BULL among them. They slowly moved closer and closer to us and i started eyeing the large mound of Irish rock, figuring that if we got charged, then i could scamper up that mound and no bull would make it up there after me.

Fortunately for us, Amanda, who was camping with us, was some kind of experienced cow whisperer farm girl and figured she would walk among them as if leading them and they would follow here, which they did. But sadly, when she came back to us, so did the bull and his harem of cows SO Amanada and Rob went back up to try to get the bull to move along. The reached the bull, about 8 feet away or so and the bull just stood there, then took a slight movement towards them and they turned around and walked back to us. That bull was not going to be told what to do.

The bull finally did move on and we had nothing to worry about, but as i went to sleep in my tent later, i was picturing head lines "Canadian Woman Trampled in Her Tent in the Middle of Feckin Nowhere in Ireland!"

We had a great campfire, i did zumba with Amanda and the young teen girls and man that felt great! I miss doing zumba and sadly have even forgotten some of my awesome choreography that I worked so hard on, which is why i should write it down i guess.

Amanda lit little paper lanterns with sand in them and the camp was very cozy.

above, michelle wearing every hat and scarf in the bag

Now we had a bit of art going on after dark, a creation made with glowing plastic wine glasses and old bouys found on the beach, add some sticks and you've got:

Now this is a friend of Wilson's, his name is Plaster. He was joining the party and got a little out of hand, but we kept him in line alright.

Early monring, i was up alone, sitting on my pile of bull rescure rocks writing in my journal. twas quiet and beautiful. When everyone woke up, some went swimming in wet suits in the ocean, some kayaking and body boarding. me, i stayed on land cause the water was frickin cold! It was fun to watch Jonathan getting into his wet suit too.

and lastly a photo of me just as i was getting settled in my tent for the night. It was great camping, great people and loads of fun.

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