Sunday, July 10, 2011

july 9 Dogs Bay Beach in the Evening

So, got back from the cottage on Inish Turbot around 5:30 and immediately went to my castle room at teh Abbeyglen Castle Hotel and ran a hot bath, using their fresh new boiler. The water was nice and hot and i sat and soaked for about half an hour when the phone rang in my room. I jumped out of the bath dripping wet and answered it and it was the musician Barry inviting me to take his dog to the beach and play fetch. I had never been to this beach, and heard it was beautiful so of course, said yes.

the beach was totally fabulous and aside from my nasty bruised knee from banging it on the side of the jeep (tis a shade of purple and green now, with dots in the middle) i had loads of fun. The dog was funny because when he gave me the rope he was fetching with and I threw it, i did not throw it very well and so the next time I went to grab it and throw it, he would not let me have it. Apparently the "honest dog" does not think i can throw it well enough for him.

i wrote my name in the sand, ran around in my bare feet and was kicking myself for not taking my camera with me to capture the beautiful evening sun on the water and landscape around the beach. UGH! why is it the one time i don't take that heavy camera bag, it is the time I really see something beautiful!?

Came back to town, Barry dropped me off at the hotel and I got dressed for supper. I ate supper with Patrick and Rosemary. they are nice people and good friends of the hughes family here.

Later, I went into town instead of staying in the Abbeyglen pub, and went to Station House Bar where Barry was playing his music. it was very quiet there, not many people at all. We tried to get into a pub somewhere but they all close doors at half twelve so we went to Abbeyglen and they were also closed down. I went to bed at 2. no photos to show.

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