Sunday, July 10, 2011

july 6 hiking on Omey Island

went on a hike to Omey Island with Gerry and Marie. beautiful Island, one that we walked over to when the tide was low.

no shortage of houses for me to buy here. People actually buy these older homes and renovate them, they usually look quite beautiful when they are finished. Location is good here too.

an old cottage, now likely used as a shed with a huge pile of turf in front of it. Here they are actually going to stop the cutting of the non-replenishable bog to burn as turf. The smell of burning turf is great, I love it, very earthy.

classic pass time of kids who grow up coming to the islands is playing out in the rocks with nets to find crabs or shrimp.

the wild flowers here grow everywhere, on grass, rocks whatever and are beautiful I love them all. The most pretty flowers can grow in the most unhospitable places.

I stood for ages trying to get a nice photo of the waves rolling in, every time i put down my camera to take a wee rest for me eyes, the BEST wave would roll in. Anyway, this one was a pretty good second.

After our walk, i said i would buy Gerry and Marie lunch and Gerry drove us into Cleggan to Olivers, same place i ate with Freda. twas grand, I had fish and chips, very fresh and Gerry MacCloskey beat me to the bill. I'll have to get him next year, just have to be a little quicker on the draw. Thanks Gerry for a great day and walk and drive.

Met the great piano sensation Barry Ryan this evening, ate supper with him at the Abbeyglen, then down for the craic in the pub. Barry and I bonded over music, something not hard to do over here for some reason.

(below, happened July 9th)
I had lunch with Paul Hughes and he invited me to join a friend of his as well in the village. Frank Kelly, a wonderful man. I wish i had taken my camera and had a good photo to post. When i was first introduced to him, he shook my hand, looked me in the eye and said "welcome home." Paul had to leave after a short while but Frank and I stayed and chatted for about 45 minutes. he told me some of his stories and I told him some of mine. A kindred soul, one I will definately stay in contact with. My family here is growing exponentially, I am stunned at how many connections I have been able to make, many in part due to the Abbeyglen.

And just as I sit here in the Abbeyglen writing this blog, Gerry MacCloskey walkekd by. I jumped up and gave him a hug and kiss. He hugged me back for a few seconds and asked me when i am leaving. Tomorrow I leave Clifden a very bitter sweet day for me. I love Gerry, and will miss him greatly. xoxo

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